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Raising the level of skill of doctors

westmedizin.com Training


The improvement of professional skill in general and the skill of the doctors in particular is the important prerequisite of the professional and administrative development. The improvement of professional skill in Germany will allow you to get experience of work using modern methods of treatment, the newest medical equipment and the last progresses in pharmaceutics.

The firm West Medizin will provide a place for you practice in a leading clinic of Germany according to you specialization. In order to obtain such place, you shall meet several requirements, one of which is the higher education in the sphere you have chosen. The second requirement, not less important, is the knowledge of German or English on a level permitting to communicate not only on everyday level, but also on professional one.

According to a principle of “academic freedom”, the improvement of professional skill, as well as the education, is gratuitous. However it also means that you, working in clinic as a trainee, will not receive salary. Some clinics give an opportunity to the doctors improving their professional skill to live in hotels owned by these clinics, paying a minimal month fee.

Unlike many firms we do not represent any clinic, therefore we are the independent adviser and intermediary for you. Our choice is based first of all on the rating level of a clinic and on the availability of leading European experts in area necessary for  you in it. We shall get into contact with the clinic we’ve selected for you and send all the documents taken from you, then we shall fix the possible time when you may begin to improve you professional skills.

The question on the necessity of our help is frequently asked, however if you apply to the clinics independently, you require a huge organizational work to be carried out by such clinics. The problems on receiving visa, prepayment, your arrival in appointed term and other are not included into an amount of services rendered by them. The clinics have nothing in common with such work.

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