References of patients Additional Information

Moscow, 23.10.2003. 

We, Russians, Zhukova E. A. and Andreeva N. A. have been directed by the firm receiving us to the clinic of Frankfurt to the professor-neurosurgeon Meinig concerning the disease of Zhukova E. A. – cerebral tumour, for the medical checkup and solving problem of treatment.

We had not been in Germany before and could not speak German. Being aged women, we were both very concerned about that travel. We have been staying there from 06.09.2003 till 10.09.2003. We were accompanied by Dr Hartung. We are very grateful to doctor Hartung for his good attitude toward us. We could not do without his help. His good knowledge of Russian greatly alleviated the days of our stay in Germany. Dr Hartung is a reliable, correct, attentive, polite person, erudite in his work. We would like to express our hearty thanks for his help rendered to us, for his patience and kindness. He didn’t leave us disregarded none of all days of our stay in Frankfurt. He was always present during the medical checkup of Zhukova E. A., he carried on discussions with doctors and translated correctly their conclusions, which gave us the possibility to come to a right decision on the matter of treatment of Zhukova E. A.

We wish him good health, happiness in family life and success in his generous work. He was for us like a close person. My sister and I remember him with great thanks.

Best wishes for him, all the best! 

With thanks, his patients from Moscow.

Zhukova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

and Andreeva Nina Aleksandrovna